Monday, August 2, 2010


  1. This astonishing event happens at the fourth watch. The fourth and last watch of the night occurred between 3 and 6 A.M. The time of the epiphany indicates how long the disciples had been struggling to be awake while Jesus was praying. Some even see a connection with God’s intervention against the Egyptians according to Exodus 14: 20 (in the morning watch)
  2. It is I: The expression has a rich background in Is 41:4 where it functions as a divine name. It appears along side ‘fear not’ in Isaiah 43 several times. The use of such language identifies as the one who reveals the God of Israel and is uniquely related to that God.
  3. Jesus orders the disciples to return by boat without him to the other side. It is not to simply dismiss the crowd properly but that he might linger in prayer according to his original intention.
  4. Given the popular belief that the sea was the home of evil spirits, undoubtedly the disciples would have thought that the ghost meant to do them evil. Old Testament symbolizes concerning the mystery of God over the sea and specifically his walking upon it.
  5. Peter’s request is based upon faith in Jesus and not upon an uncertainty about whether the apparition really was Jesus. Peter’s lack of faith is caused by failure of concentration.

All of us face wind/storm blowing in our lives; Sometimes it blows against us and sometimes it blows along the same direction and makes our life journey easier. Whatever might be the situation we should never forget that Jesus is always with us. People who are close today might turn out to be our enemies, and people whom we thought to be dangerous might offer us timely help. Let us face our life situations with trust and confidence in God believing firmly that our Lord will catch hold of our hands and will save us from drowning situations.


Word Biblical Commentary

Sacra Pagina Series

William Barclay’s Commentary

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