Sunday, August 8, 2010


1. Jesus was visited by a tax collector. Perhaps Jesus was behind in His tax payments because He had been away for so long. The tax collectors approached Peter instead of Jesus because it was Jesus’ habit to lodge in Peter’s house when in Capernaum.

2. Jesus demonstrated good citizenship. He paid taxes. Peter knew about this and therefore he was able answer on behalf of Jesus.

3. Jesus made a unique claim by sharing an illustration. The illustration is brief yet forceful. Jesus asked Peter “From whom do kings collect their taxes? From their own sons or from the citizens?” From Peter’s answer Jesus made the phenomenal claim: “ The sons are exempted”

4. Christ was saying that He must not set a bad example by not paying His taxes. He was not obligated to pay them but if He refused the He would be encouraging poor citizenship.

· Christ never did anything that would cause other to minimize or think less of their duty towards others

· He never did anything that would cause other to stumble.

5. His knowing that a coin was in the mouth of a fish showed Peter that He

· Was of royalty, the son of God

· Was of another kingdom that was superior to this earth and its seas

· Was free of the earth and its restrictions and obligations.

This gospel passage can also be a lesson for being prudent. Christ has not obligation to pay the tax, and the officials are even scared of asking Him straight, but all the same he does it. It is not the manifestation of his weakness or compromise but his strength and prudence. Sometimes we invite trouble simply because of lack of prudence. Let us do our duty towards the Church and the Country without making too many excuses.


Preacher’s Outline and Sermon Bible

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