Wednesday, August 18, 2010


  1. The parable has both an historical and personal meaning. God has prepared a Great Marriage Feast for His Son and His true followers. The intimate relationship between Christ and His Church are often compared to a marriage. The covenant of faith is like a covenant of marriage. When a person believes, Christ promises an eternal relationship with Himself. The relationship or union is forever and once and for all.

  1. God invited Israel but they rejected.
  1. The words “who have been invited” refer to the fact that Israel had already been invited. From the very beginning, even from the time of Abraham God had invited Israel to the great feast of His Son.
  2. The servant “sent” with this particular invitation are those who lived during the time of Christ like John the Baptist, the 12 apostles, the 70 disciples to prepare the people for the coming of Christ.

  1. Why did the people refuse the first invitation?

A person…

· Can be too busy

· Can set aside the invitation to accept later

· Can be committed to something else

· Can not care enough for the King

· Can prefer some other festivity

· Can wish to show personal dislike

· Can not trust, not believe, that the King will actually have a feast

· Can dislike the son.

  1. After the second invitation being rejected, this invitation is given to all. This is what is meant by the word ‘street corners of the world’. God’s servants are to go out on the street corners of the world, inviting any and all to the Great Wedding Feast of His Son. God’s invitation is no longer just to the few. It is universal: to the Jew and Gentile, rich and poor, the high and low, the free and slave, the moral and immoral, the religious and irreligious.

  1. God calls and invites many, but few are chosen. Christ had said this before. In the context of this parable there were several calls to God to the Great Feast of His Son.
    • There was God’s call to the Jews, but few responded
    • There is God’s call to the Gentiles, but few are responding
    • There is God’s call to all those who enter in, but few wear the wedding clothes. The only clothes they have is that of hypocrisy and false profession.

Jesus’ call is so very precious that has to be respected. He gives us dignity and honour and therefore it is our duty to honour Him too. Many of us reject His call everyday whenever we fail to listen to his voice. All of us as Christians through our baptism are privileged to attend this Great banquet but it also calls for certain responsibility on our part. We can disrespect and dishonour Him by our improper dispositions. Should we not beware of the consequences?


The Preacher’s Outline and the Sermon Bible

William Barclay’s Commentary

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