Christ’s attractive ministry: A great multitude followed him to listen to his teaching and were so absorbed in his words that they neglected their bodily wants. Eating of the spiritual bread, they were satisfied in their souls, but they had bodily wants also.
Christ’s considerate compassion: Jesus himself was touched with a feeling of human infirmities. He had known hunger. People had come from far, and they had remained in neighbourhood for three days. All this little provisions were exhausted. Is He going to send them away fasting? He had compassion not only on their souls but also in their bodies.
Christ’s use of ordinary Human Resources: Jesus might doubtless have created bread of stones, as the tempter had once challenged him to do. But he chose to use what provisions were at hand. The Lord does not despise, dispense with, human means or human agencies. He asked his disciples to distribute the food.
Christ’s devoutness in thanksgiving: Being himself the son of the Father, he yet, in the name of the dependent children, acknowledged the bounty and beneficence of the giver of all.
Christ’s Frugality and Economy: The Lord was liberal but not lavish. There was no wastage in his arrangements. The broken pieces that remained were gathered and doubtless saved and used.
Every mother takes pride, pleasure and fulfillment in feeding her children. She knows, when her child would be hungry and she also knows what food to give. I have not come across a mother who denies food for her child, even if the child does behave badly. Even if she is dying of hunger, she would not desire to eat before feeding her children. Today we see, Jesus feeling the pinch of hunger, his people experienced. None of them asked for food but He knows that they are to be fed. He multiples the bread and feeds a mass gathering. As a human Jesus is also hungry but He would have eaten only after every one of his children ate to their fill. As we admire the maternal or motherly aspect of Jesus, shall we try to admire Godly aspects in our mothers?
The Pulpit Commentary
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